1. system
    12 mai 2011 @ 1 h 01 min

    La lune au rayonnement pénétrant
    L’assaut de la pauvre June
    Toute la vie défilant à travers sa chevelure
    Approchant la lumière-guide
    Nos années frivoles en horreur
    Les rêves sont fabriqués par le vent circulant à travers ma tête
    A travers ma tête
    Avant que tu ne saches, réveillé

    Vos vies sont grandes ouvertes
    La puce-V (2) leur donne la vue
    Toute la vie défilant à travers sa chevelure
    Toutes les araignées en accord
    Le soir de la lune
    Les rêves sont fabriqués par le vent circulant à travers ma tête
    A travers ma tête
    Avant que tu ne saches, réveillé
    A travers ma tête x 2
    Avant que tu ne saches x 2
    J’attendrais complétement éveillé
    Les rêves sont fabriqués par le vent circulant à travers sa chevelure
    (1) : la pochette du single de Spiders représente une puce informatique
    avec beaucoup de pattes
    (2) : les V-chips seraient des puces incluses dans les télés américaines
    pour mieux surveiller l’audimat – note de Lepsky
    L’existence plagiée existe
    Parmi les auteurs du mot
    Secouez votre plume chez Shakespeare x 2
    Sourd et bruyant
    De forts réfrigérateurs
    Gagnant l’indépendance x 2
    Les gens stupides font des choses stupides
    Les gens fins sont d’abord plus fins que les autres
    Et ensuite qu’eux-mêmes x 4
    Descend moi ici
    Rechu SOIL (1)
    Le phoenix qu’il a contribué à créer
    Un garçon hors de contrôle sans même un père
    A tiré avec le pistolet qui a alarmé ma vie
    Pendant que je l’y poussais avec un 45
    Amis pour longtemps, images en rouge
    Il a explosé sa propre putain de cervelle
    Confiance, mort, insécurité
    La chute des hommes non concrétisée
    Non concrétisée x 2
    Faisant un choix mortel
    Tandis que tout le monde autour de toi plaide
    Maintenant tu vole en paix
    J’espère, mon ami
    Un homme ne peux pas se soustraire à ce qu’il est censé faire
    Quand il est censé le faire
    Même s’il ne veux pas vraiment le faire
    Mes souvenirs sont pleins de joie et d’amitié
    De la fragilité enfouie dans la force de la jeunesse
    Pour des raisons indéfinies, des raisons indéfinies
    Des raisons indéfinies, des raisons indéfinies
    Amis pour longtemps, images en rouge
    Il a explosé sa propre putain de cervelle
    Confiance, mort, insécurité
    La chute des hommes non concrétisée
    Ne réalise tu pas
    Le Mal vit dans la putain de peau
    Ne réalise tu pas
    Le Mal, vit dans la putain de peau
    Ne réalise tu pas
    Le Mal, vit dans la putain de peau
    Ne réalise tu pas, que le Mal
    Vit dans la peau (vit dans le putain de…)
    (1) : « Soil » était le nom du groupe dans lequel jouaient Serj Tankian
    (chant), Daron Malakian (guitare) puis Shavo Odadjian (basse) avant d’être
    rebaptisé System Of A Down en 1995 avec l’écriture de nouvelles chansons
    et l’arrivée de John Dolmayan (batterie). « Soil » signifie souillure,
    salissure, et pourrait évoquer dans cette chanson l’impureté de chaque
    homme qui vit avec une part de Mal en lui.
    Sombre est la lumière
    L’homme que tu combats
    Avec toutes tes prières, incantations
    S’enfuyant, un jour trivial
    De jugement et de délivrance
    A qui fut vendue, cette âme généreuse
    A un Gentil ou un prêtre ?
    Qui a vraiment gagné sur les Seljuks (1)
    Quand la terre sacrée fut prise
    Nous combattrons les païens x 4
    Était-ce les riches de la terre
    La puissance de l’obscurité brillante
    Qui conduit le noble, vers l’Est
    Pour combattre les païens
    Nous combattrons les païens x 8
    Nous devons invoquer notre obscurité brillante
    Croyances, elles sont les armes du faible
    Une a été écrite sur l’épée
    Tu dois entrer dans une pièce pour détruire, détruire, détruire
    Sécurité internationale
    L’appel d’un homme vertueux
    Besoin d’une raison pour tuer un homme
    L’Histoire nous apprends alors
    La raison qu’il doit atteindre
    Doit être approuvée par Dieu
    Son enfant, frère d’arme
    De la guerre, nous ne parlons plus x 4
    Nous combattrons les païens x 8
    (1) : les Seljuks étaient un peuple de guerriers nomades turcs qui se sont
    établis au 11 ème siècle après J.C. sur le territoire de ce qui est
    aujourd’hui l’Iran, l’Iraq et la Syrie. Ils déclenchèrent la première
    croisade à la fin du 11ème siècle en envahissant le territoire de
    l’actuelle Turquie, qui était contrôlé par Alexius I, un empereur
    Byzantin. Celui-ci demanda de l’aide au pape qui profita de cette occasion
    pour demander à ce que la « terre sacrée » (Jérusalem notamment) soit
    reprise aux « infidèles ».
    Laisse moi te craindre
    Regarde les autres x 8
    Va t’en x 4
    Mutuellement, enfants mentalement molestés d’une Mère
    Mutuellement, enfants mentalement molestés d’un Pêché
    Le toujours si populaire battement qui t’as descendu
    Le toujours si populaire battement qui a brisé ta peau
    Les libre-penseurs sont dangereux
    Blâme, haine
    Pour les Semences du Destin
    Va t’en x 4
    Maintenant tu as besoin de celle que tu aime et aime celles dont tu as
    Tu as besoin de celle que tu aime et aime celles dont tu as besoin
    Vies réarrangées et vies à ma portée, peut tu voir x 2
    Les libre-penseurs sont dangereux
    Blâme, haine
    Pour les Semences du Destin
    Pourquoi x 4
    Je vais vous laisser crever bande d’enculés x 4
    Regarde les autres x 3
    PEEPHOLE (1)
    Quand tes étoiles sont cuisinées
    Et tes rivières volent
    Crois-tu toujours que tu étais coincé hors du ciel?
    Quand ton château se casse
    Et tes pieds son secs
    Crois-tu toujours que tu étais coincé hors du ciel?
    Crois-tu, quand tu es défoncé (2)
    Que ta vie est essayée
    N’as-tu jamais été coincé dans le ciel x 2
    Ne te laisse pas coincer dans le ciel, quand tu es défoncé
    Quand ta lune est fausse
    Et que tes sirènes pleurent
    Crois-tu toujours que tu étais coincé hors du ciel?
    Quand ton tunnel s’obscurcit
    Et que ton guide est timide
    Crois-tu toujours que tu étais coincé hors du ciel?
    Crois-tu, quand tu es défoncé
    Que ta vie est essayée
    (1) : « a peephole » est un judas, un petit trou dans une porte pour
    observer ce qui se passe.
    (2) : les paroles jouent entre la signification mot-à-mot de « when you’re
    high » qui est « quand tu es en hauteur » et son sens courant « quand tu es
    défoncé ».
    CUBErt (1)
    Les délices de l’avant vol
    Lumières de rue mutilées
    Une baise mentale de pyramide
    Ne quittez pas vos sièges maintenant
    Du pop-corn partout, en conserve
    Organes de personnes stéréotypées pas assez cuits (2)
    Du pop-corn partout, en conserve
    Organes de personnes stéréotypées pas assez cuits
    Pas assez cuit x 4
    J’aimerais être
    Un rubis déchu
    Vibrations invitées
    Ne quittez pas vos sièges maintenant
    Des humains partout, en conserve
    Organes de personnes stéréotypées pas assez cuits
    Des humains partout, en conserve
    Organes de personnes stéréotypées pas assez cuits
    Oser x 4
    Des humains partout, en conserve
    Organes de personnes stéréotypées pas assez cuits
    Des humains partout, en conserve
    Organes de personnes stéréotypées pas assez cuits
    Des humains partout, en conserve
    Organes de personnes stéréotypées pas assez cuits
    Des humains partout, en conserve
    Les personnes stéréotypées ne peuvent pas oser, oser, oser, oser
    (1) : le titre « CUBErt » représente le système qui pousse les gens à penser
    de la même façon, qui les modèle pour qu’ils aient tous les mêmes opinions
    et qu’ils soient tous juste bons à se faire consommer par la système. De
    là la métaphore des humains en conserve.
    (2) : la phrase originale est « Cliché people organs rare », ce qui est très
    dur à interpréter, j’ai essayé de le faire en prenant en compte tout les
    éléments de la chanson. « Rare » peut se dire d’un steack lorsqu’il est peu
    cuit (ou « bleu »).
    Puis-je rester en ce lieu
    Pour que les dards s’aiguisent par mes désirs
    Puis-je rester en ce lieu
    Pour que les dards s’aiguisent par mes désirs
    N’êtes vous point un homme humain x 8
    Un homme humain n’êtes vous point

    La vie maltraitant les styles de vie
    Un tueur à gages, une nonne, des amants
    La vie maltraitant les styles de vie
    Un tueur à gages, une nonne, des amants

    Elevez vous comme le fit le dieu Ninti
    Et Ishkur, Ishkur (1)

    Ceux qui rateront deviendront des hommes-horloges
    Ne craignez pas les dieux qui viennent du ciel
    Ne désirez plus celui qui s’est égaré en chemin

    Elèvez vous comme le fit le dieu Ninti
    Et Ishkur, Ishkur note:
    (1) : Ninti et Ishkur sont des dieux appartenant à la mythologie
    summérienne. Ninti est l’une des 8 fils et filles de Ninhursag nés dans le
    but de soigner chacun une des huit blessures infligées à Enki, qui avait
    consumé les huit plantes du jardin de Dilmun (qui rappelle l’Eden par bien
    des aspects), ces plantes étant les enfants de Ninhursag. Ninti fut
    chargée de soigner la côte d’Enki, elle est comparée à Eve qui fut créée à
    partir d’une côte d’Adam. Ishkur est le dieu de la pluie et des orages
    printaniers, il est également en charge de la « serrure d’argent du
    paradis ».
    P.L.U.C.K. (1)
    Elimination x 3
    Meurt, pourquoi descends
    Le génocide de toute une race
    Dépouillés de toute notre fierté
    Le génocide de toute une race
    Dépouillés, regarde les tous tomber
    Révolution, la seule solution
    La réponse armée de toute une nation
    Révolution, la seule solution
    On a enduré toute votre merde
    Maintenant l’heure est venue pour la restitution
    Reconnaissance, restauration, réparation x 2

    Regarde les tous tomber
    Révolution, la seule solution
    La réponse armée de toute une nation
    On a enduré toute votre merde
    Maintenant l’heure est venue pour la restitution
    Le plan était prémédité et appelé Génocide
    On ne veut plus vous voir ici
    Ils ont pris tous les enfants et ensuite nous sommes morts
    On ne veut plus vous voir ici
    Le peu de survivants n’a jamais été retrouvé
    On ne veut plus vous voir ici
    Tous dans un système de déchéance… déchéance… déchéance
    Descends… descends
    Regarde les tous tomber
    Révolution, la seule solution
    La réponse armée de toute une nation
    On a enduré toute votre merde
    Maintenant l’heure est venue pour la restitution
    Le plan était prémédité et appelé Génocide
    On ne veut plus vous voir ici
    Ils ont pris tous les enfants et ensuite nous sommes morts
    On ne veut plus vous voir ici
    Le peu de survivants n’a jamais été retrouvé
    On ne veut plus vous voir ici
    Tous dans un système de déchéance
    (1) : le mot « pluck » signifie « courage » mais les initiales P.L.U.C.K.
    signifient « Politically lying, unholy, cowardly killers » soit « Tueurs
    lâches, profanes et mentant politiquement ». La chanson parle du génocide
    arménien (les membres de System Of A Down sont essentiellement d’origine
    arménienne). Les turcs ont annexés une partie de l’Arménie peu après la
    première guerre mondiale, en massacrant la population civile ou en les
    contraignant à l’exode vers d’autres pays. 80 ans après, ce sujet est
    encore un tabou en Turquie (les livres d’Histoire n’en parlent pas, et le
    gouvernement turcs nie les faits), à tel point que lorsque la France, il y
    a quelques années, à décidé de reconnaître officiellement ce génocide
    (c’est le premier pays à l’avoir fait), il y a eu des menaces de boycott
    des produits français en Turquie et des manifestations hostiles à la
    France dans tout le pays.

    Traduction et notes par: DR|eN (musikmania.net), corrections et notes
    additionnelles par Fabien Lauf (co-webmaster de systemofadown.fr.st),
    merci à Oli (co-webmaster de W-Fenec.org) pour sa traduction de Darts.
    Une erreur dans cette traduction? Envoyez un e-mail à .
    Si vous voulez envoyer votre propre traduction d’un autre album, lisez
    cette page pour en savoir plus.
    Si vous souhaitez utiliser cette traduction pour votre site, demandez leur
    accord aux traducteurs (cliquez sur les pseudos pour envoyer un email),
    n’oubliez pas de préciser qu’elle vient de http://www.musikmania.net et laissez
    évidemment les noms des traducteurs, merci.

    © 2000-2007 musikmania.net – retour en haut de la page
    Look me in my brand new eye
    I’ve felt the hate rise up in me…
    Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves…
    I wander over where you can’t see…
    Inside my shell, I wait and bleed…


    I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time
    Everything is 3D blasphemy
    My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up
    This is not the way I pictured me
    I can’t control my shakes
    How the hell did I get here?
    Something about this, so very wrong…
    I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn’t like this
    Is it a dream or a memory?

    I’ve felt the hate rise up in me…
    Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves…
    I wander over where you can’t see…
    Inside my shell, I wait and bleed…

    Get outta my head cuz I don’t need this
    Why I didn’t I see this?
    I’m a victim – Manchurian candidate
    I have sinned by just
    Makin’ my mind up and takin’ your breath away

    I’ve felt the hate rise up in me…
    Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves…
    I wander over where you can’t see…
    Inside my shell, I wait and bleed…


    You haven’t learned a thing
    I haven’t changed a thing
    My flesh was in my bones
    The pain was always free

    I’ve felt the hate rise up in me…
    Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves…
    I wander out where you can’t see…
    Inside my shell, I wait and bleed…

    And it waits for you!
    Running out of ways to run
    I can’t see, I can’t be
    Over and over and under my skin
    All this attention is doing me in

    Fuck it all! Fuck this world!
    Fuck everything that you stand for!
    Don’t belong! Don’t exist!
    Don’t give a shit!
    Don’t ever judge me!

    Picking through the parts exposed
    Taking shape, taking shag
    Over and over and under my skin
    All this momentum is doing me in!

    You got all my love, livin’ in your own hate
    Drippin’ hole man, hard step, no fate
    Showin’ you nothing, but I ain’t holdin’ back
    Every damn word I say is a sneak attack
    When I get my hands on you
    Ain’t a fucking thing you can do
    Get this cuz you’re never gonna get me
    I am the very disease you pretend to be

    I am the push that makes you move
    Since you never gave a damn in the first place
    Maybe its time you had the tables turned
    Cuz in the interest of all involved I got the problem solved
    And the verdict is guilty..

    …Man nearly killed me
    Steppin’ where you fear to tread
    Stop, drop, and roll – you were dead from the git-go!
    Big mouth fucker, stupid cocksucker
    Are you scared of me now? Then you’re dumber than I thought

    Always is and never was
    Foundation made of piss and vinegar
    Step to me, I’ll smear ya – think I fear ya? Bullshit!
    Just another dumb punk chompin’ at this tit
    Is there anyway to break through the noise?
    Was it something that I said that got you bent?
    Its gotta be that way if you want it
    Sanity, literal profanity – hit me!

    Spit it out
    All you wanna do is drag me down
    All I wanna do is stamp you out

    Maybe its the way you gota spread a lotta rumor fodder
    Keepin’ all your little spies and leavin’ when you realize
    Step up, fairy
    I guess its time to bury your ass with the chrome straight to the dome
    You heard me right bitch, I didn’t stutter
    And if you know what’s good just shut up and beg, brother
    Backstab – don’t you know who you’re dissin’?
    Side swipe – we know the ass that you’re kissin’!

    Bigity-biggidy bitch boy, halfway houser
    Don’t hear shit cuz I keeps gettin’ louder
    Come up and you get a face full o’ tactic
    Lippin’ off hard, goin’ home in a basket
    You got no pull, no power no nothin’
    Now you start shit? Well ain’t that something?
    Payoffs don’t protect and you can hide if you want
    But I’ll find you – comin’ up behind you!

    ‘Bout time I set this record straight
    Cuz all the needlenose punchin’ Slipknot > Slipknot – Paroles / Lyrics @ musikmania.net

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    musikmania.net > paroles > slipknot > slipknot (1999)

    acheter cet album01. 742617000027
    02. (sic)
    03. eyeless
    04. wait and bleed
    05. surfacing
    06. spit it out
    07. tattered and torn
    08. frail limb nursery
    09. purity
    10. liberate
    11. prosthetics
    12. no life
    13. diluted
    14. only one
    15. scissors
    15+. eyeore
    16. me inside *
    17. get this *
    18. interloper *
    19. despise *

    Pour voir la traduction en français des paroles, cliquez ici


    The whole thing, I think it’s sick

    Enemy – show me what you wanna be
    I can handle anything
    Even if I can’t handle you!
    Readily – either way it better be
    Dont you fuckin’ pity me
    Get up, get off..

    What the hell am I sayin’?
    I don’t know about malevolent
    Sure as hell decadent
    I want somebody to step up, step off
    Walls! Let me fall! Fuck you all!
    Get a grip, don’t let me slip ’til I drop the ball!

    Fuck this shit, I’m sick of it
    You’re goin down, this is a war!

    Who the fuck am I to criticize your twisted state of mind?
    You’re leavin’ me suspect, I’m leavin’ you grotesque
    Feels like a burn from which you never learn
    Cause and effect, you jealous ass
    Press you face against the glass – suffer

    I’ve just begun
    Its about that time
    Gotta get mine

    You can’t kill me
    Cuz I’m already
    Inside you

    Insane – am I the only motherfucker with a brain?
    I’m hearing voices, but all they do is complain
    How many time have you wanted to kill
    Everything and everyone – say you’ll do it but never will

    You can’t see California without Marlon Brando’s eyes

    I am my father son
    Cuz hes a phantom, a mystery, and that leaves me nothing!
    How many time hace you wanted to die?
    Its too late for me – all you have to do is get rid of me

    It’s all in your head
    It’s all in my head
    It’s all in my head

    I tried – you lied to me for so long.
    Everywhere I go, there’s a sense of it
    Freak on my antics and give me a choice
    Doesn’t matter if I give a shit – it’s the shit that you gave me

    Do you wanna feel pain? Takin’ my name in vain
    Caring never felt so lame inside
    Anybody else got pride? Do you wanna take my life?
    Maybe I’ll reverse my ride
    Who the fuck are you? Fuck you!
    Better suck it up cuz you bled through
    Better get away from me
    Stay the fuck away from me

    I feel safe – seems you’re saved

    Look me in my brand new eye
    I’ve felt the hate rise up in me…
    Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves…
    I wander over where you can’t see…
    Inside my shell, I wait and bleed…


    I wipe it off on tile, the light is brighter this time
    Everything is 3D blasphemy
    My eyes are red and gold, the hair is standing straight up
    This is not the way I pictured me
    I can’t control my shakes
    How the hell did I get here?
    Something about this, so very wrong…
    I have to laugh out loud, I wish I didn’t like this
    Is it a dream or a memory?

    I’ve felt the hate rise up in me…
    Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves…
    I wander over where you can’t see…
    Inside my shell, I wait and bleed…

    Get outta my head cuz I don’t need this
    Why I didn’t I see this?
    I’m a victim – Manchurian candidate
    I have sinned by just
    Makin’ my mind up and takin’ your breath away

    I’ve felt the hate rise up in me…
    Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves…
    I wander over where you can’t see…
    Inside my shell, I wait and bleed…


    You haven’t learned a thing
    I haven’t changed a thing
    My flesh was in my bones
    The pain was always free

    I’ve felt the hate rise up in me…
    Kneel down and clear the stone of leaves…
    I wander out where you can’t see…
    Inside my shell, I wait and bleed…

    And it waits for you!
    Running out of ways to run
    I can’t see, I can’t be
    Over and over and under my skin
    All this attention is doing me in

    Fuck it all! Fuck this world!
    Fuck everything that you stand for!
    Don’t belong! Don’t exist!
    Don’t give a shit!
    Don’t ever judge me!

    Picking through the parts exposed
    Taking shape, taking shag
    Over and over and under my skin
    All this momentum is doing me in!

    You got all my love, livin’ in your own hate
    Drippin’ hole man, hard step, no fate
    Showin’ you nothing, but I ain’t holdin’ back
    Every damn word I say is a sneak attack
    When I get my hands on you
    Ain’t a fucking thing you can do
    Get this cuz you’re never gonna get me
    I am the very disease you pretend to be

    I am the push that makes you move
    Since you never gave a damn in the first place
    Maybe its time you had the tables turned
    Cuz in the interest of all involved I got the problem solved
    And the verdict is guilty..

    …Man nearly killed me
    Steppin’ where you fear to tread
    Stop, drop, and roll – you were dead from the git-go!
    Big mouth fucker, stupid cocksucker
    Are you scared of me now? Then you’re dumber than I thought

    Always is and never was
    Foundation made of piss and vinegar
    Step to me, I’ll smear ya – think I fear ya? Bullshit!
    Just another dumb punk chompin’ at this tit
    Is there anyway to break through the noise?
    Was it something that I said that got you bent?
    Its gotta be that way if you want it
    Sanity, literal profanity – hit me!

    Spit it out
    All you wanna do is drag me down
    All I wanna do is stamp you out

    Maybe its the way you gota spread a lotta rumor fodder
    Keepin’ all your little spies and leavin’ when you realize
    Step up, fairy
    I guess its time to bury your ass with the chrome straight to the dome
    You heard me right bitch, I didn’t stutter
    And if you know what’s good just shut up and beg, brother
    Backstab – don’t you know who you’re dissin’?
    Side swipe – we know the ass that you’re kissin’!

    Bigity-biggidy bitch boy, halfway houser
    Don’t hear shit cuz I keeps gettin’ louder
    Come up and you get a face full o’ tactic
    Lippin’ off hard, goin’ home in a basket
    You got no pull, no power no nothin’
    Now you start shit? Well ain’t that something?
    Payoffs don’t protect and you can hide if you want
    But I’ll find you – comin’ up behind you!

    ‘Bout time I set this record straight
    Cuz all the needlenose punchin’ is makin’ me irate
    Sick o’ my bitchin’ fallin’ on deaf ears
    Where you gonna be in the next five years?
    The crew and all the fools and all the politix
    Get your lips ready, gonna gag, gonna make you sick
    You got dick when they passed out the good stuff
    Bam – are you sick of me?
    Good enough – had enough

    Fuck me! I’m all out of enemies!
    Fuck me! I’m all out of enemas!
    Kill me

    Tattered and torn
    Something aches
    Tattered and Torn
    Bad things slither
    Tattered and torn
    My floors are burning down
    Tattered and torn
    And I can’t find a window

    Tattered and torn
    This is medieval
    Tattered and torn
    This is cerebral
    Tattered and torn
    Tattered and torn

    Tattered and torn
    Driven to the verge of
    Tattered and torn
    I make you my enemy
    Tattered and torn
    The nerves you sever
    Tattered and torn
    Can serve you better

    Tattered and torn
    In the blink of an eye
    Tattered and torn
    In the space of a second
    Tattered and torn
    Open my wrists
    Tattered and torn
    Give me my lessons

    Tearing myself apart
    From the things that make me hurt!
    She lay as though she were in a trance,
    With her long eyelashes fluttering like she was dreaming.
    She said to him « I lie beyond the sea »,
    And then all of a sudden her head dipped back and she vanished.

    Gone, gone without a trace.

    She’s never coming back, do you know what it’s like to live with that?
    No one knows what it’s like.
    The only one who knew me, gone. »
    Maze… psychopathic daze… I create this waste
    Back away from tangents, on the verge of drastic
    Ways… can’t escape this place… I deny your face
    Sweat gets in my eyes, I think I’m slowly dying

    Put me in a homemade cellar
    Put me in a hole for shelter
    Someone hear me please, all I see is hate
    I can hardly breathe and I can hardly take it!


    Lost… ran at my own cost… hearing laughter, scoffed
    Learning from the rush, detached from such and such
    Bleak… all around me weak… listening incomplete
    I am not a dog, but I’m the one you’re dogging

    I am in a buried kennel
    I have never felt so final
    Someone find me please… losing all reserve
    I am fucking gone, I think I’m fucking dying

    You all stare, but you’ll never see
    There is something inside me
    There is something in you I despise

    Cut me – show me – enter – I am
    Willing and able and never any danger to myself
    Knowledge in my pain, knowlege in my pain
    Or was my tolerence a phase
    Empathy, out of my way
    I can’t die
    Liberate my madness
    One of me, all of you
    Liberate my madness
    I just want to..

    Section off myself
    Put a wall up – what the hell have I done
    Keep the dog at bay
    Survive by saving me
    Values and the game
    Not a fuck up – not a part of your lie
    I am one, I am all – I am above and beyond!

    Back off of the shit
    Stand or I’ll spit
    So soft, you forget
    Your garbage in is garbage out
    You don’t give a shit
    I won’t play the fit
    Get off, get on this
    Your garbage in is garbage out

    Liberate my madness..

    I am not ashamed
    What is vital isn’t always humane
    You can break in vain
    But you can’t break away
    Even in my face
    Lotta bullshit, not alotta the truth
    I can’t see from here
    But I can smeel your fear!

    Saved – you’re such a slave – I don’t expect a
    Name – you don’t care – I wasn’t witness – I can’t
    Be a part of a system such as this – hard eyes – glow
    Right – in my darkness – again – with the sickness
    Renegade sisters, blisters, salivate, litigate, liberate
    Madness, sadness, fuck this – how long have I had this?
    I don’t need this – outta my business – insert, engage
    Betrayed, my God – fraud
    Even if you run… I will find you
    I decided I wanted you
    Now I know…I need
    If you can’t be bought, tougher than I thought
    Keep in mind – I am with you
    Never left out fate, can’t concentrate

    You will be mine!
    Ah, fucking you will be mine!
    Ah, fucking you will be mine!
    Ah, fucking you will be mine!

    I found you

    Leanin’ out of an open window
    You laughed (my fingers clenched)
    Too perfect, far too careless
    I couldn’t help myself – I just took you

    Dammit man I knew it was a mistake
    (You brought it outta me)

    Better make yourself out home
    You’re here to stay
    You won’t bother me…If you let me bother you
    All the doors are locked, all the windows shut
    Keep in mind – I watch you
    Never leave my side, never leave me, fucker
    Even if you run

    What the fuck is different? Man, I can’t believe I’m doin’ this

    Dammit man I knew it was a mistake
    (You brought it outta me)
    My freedom is best
    Whole country’s on house arrest
    And evryone’s a suspect
    You can’t feel the flow because you died
    Face down on a suicide
    The motherfucker’s on self-destruct
    Nobody guardin’ your back, its all a front
    Save this! My rage is bliss!
    I’m takin names and gettin’ pissed!

    Where’s Chuck D when ya need him?
    You ain’t shit, just a puddle on the bed spread
    The maniac psycho
    Cool J screamed the shit but I still can’t believe it!
    Man, its funny that you scare me so
    Just enough to fuck me up again and again
    Hard life is hard as hell
    Better back the fuck on up
    Cuz this is..

    No kind of life! This is no kind of life!
    I’ve got to get out
    It’s no kind of life! This is no kind of life!
    You can’t blame me

    Can’t be real no more – your mask is skin and bone
    Savor every flavor you got cuz its not your own
    Bad-ass bat, man
    Forget about the battle, its the war we gotta win
    Breathe! Amer-cult, Breathe! One more – seethe!
    Freak like you gotta pair
    Won’t be my fault
    When you’re painted in the corner of a no-good life

    This is..

    I can’t remember, I don’t understand
    Is it malice that makes you this way?
    Carry it with you ’til someone forgives you
    I laugh cuz theres nothing to say
    You can’t begin to consider the
    Palpable hate in the air when you’re here
    None of use wonder what weather you’re under
    Youre making it perfectly clear

    Lights ain’t on – shit ain’t right
    Never had peace but I gotta fight
    Can you look in my eyes when my back’s against the wall
    Slash at my eyes, surprise, you’ll never get me
    You’re all reality and sound bites
    And the freedom is never in plain sight
    The feelings, the question, the price is too human for fucking sake

    This is…
    I’m cold, I’m ugly
    I’m always confused by everything
    I can stare into a thousand eyes
    But every smile hides a bold-faced lie

    It itches, it seethes, it festers and breathes
    My heros are dead, they dies in my head
    Thin out the heard, squeeze out the pain
    Something inside me has opened up again

    Thoughts of me exemplified
    All the little flaws I have denied
    Forget today, forget whatever happened
    Everyday i see a little more of overall deficiencies
    I’m nothing short of being one complete catastrophe

    What the hell – did I – do to deserve – all of this?

    I save all the bullets from ignorant minds
    Your insults get stuck in my teeth as they grind
    Way past good taste, on our way to bad omens
    I decrese, while my symptoms increase

    God what the fuck is wrong
    You act like you knew it all along
    Your timing sucks, your silence is a blessing
    All I ever wanted out of you was
    Something you could never be
    Now take a real good look at
    What you’ve fucking done to me

    Gimme any reason why I’d need you, boy
    Gimme any reason not to fuck you up
    Gimme any reason why I’d need you, bitch
    Gimme any reason not to fuck you up

    I see you in me

    I keep my scars from prying eyes
    Incapable of ever knowing why
    Somebody breathe, I’ve got to have an answer
    Why am I so fascinated by
    Bigger pictures, better things
    But I don’t care what you think
    You’ll never understand me
    Pain – made to order

    I’m not the second coming, I’m the first wave
    Better get an army, cuz the fire left me unscathed
    You betcha bottom dollar I’m the top of the shit pile
    So stick around cuz I’ll get to you in just a few
    Step off the achtung, get back or get stung
    Idiotic sense of yourself, are you that dumb?
    Entire legion of me, totalitarian
    The one and only motherfucker, top of the world man

    Cuz I can’t stand it, planned it, gonna crash land it
    In other words, consider me branded
    Another version of me, another version of you
    Both barrels, what you gonna do?

    All I hear is human noise
    You made your own fuckin’ choice
    I belong to only me
    Silence for my revelry

    I can only die over time
    Filthy hands, stay away from mine
    Every reason is a right to hate
    Painful clutch – death is fine gimme mine

    Only one of us walks away

    Somebody explain this
    I don’t care cuz you don’t exist
    What the fuck is this another joke?
    I play doctor for fice minutes flat
    Before I cut my heart open… and let the air out
    Three bugs, a pound of dust
    Some wind spilled before me
    In the strangest matter that had
    Broke away my tear spout

    As I lie there
    With my tounge spread wide open
    A black widow had offered me
    A sweetheart tube
    As I injected
    The candied heart that I selected
    She said don’t hesitate
    Just do what you have to do!

    Its hard to stay between the lines of skin
    Just cuz I have nerves, don’t mean that I can feel
    I wasn’t very much fun to be with anyway
    Just let the blood run red cuz I can’t feel!

    Biding my time until the time is right
    Biding my time until the time is right
    Biding my time until the time is right
    Biding my time..
    Its time

    Meet the man that made me
    Greet the can that I came from
    Oh the fucking sacred heart of Jesus
    Blew it in the back room
    Feelin’ like a real goon
    Slam the fuck aside, man
    I’m on – you’re not

    I am the great big mouth

    Good riddance – though I’m sad to say
    I didn’t get to kill you
    Rhetoric – Better look both ways
    I gotta get an arm through
    What the fuck is up? Get the fuck away
    Run if you want to
    Innocent? You’re a guilty conscience
    Laugh last – break through

    Prepare you fucker

    I don’t give a shit, bitch
    I don’t give a fuck, bitch
    I don’t understand, bitch
    You don’t matter
    I don’t give a shit, man
    I don’t give a fuck, man
    I don’t really care, man
    I’m the super sized man


    Giving in to what has got me
    Feeling claustrophobic, scarred
    Severed me from all emotion
    Life is just too fucking hard
    Snap! Your face was all it took
    Cuz this need ain’t doin’ me no good
    Fall on my face, but can’t you see?
    This fucking life is killing me!

    Tearing me / Inside

    Too far gone, I’m catatonic
    Leaving you to criticize
    Empty shell and running naked
    All alone… lobotomized
    Back and forth between my hang-ups
    It isn’t easy to be hated
    Where do ya go? Whaddya do?
    Simpleton, impromptu, crazy eight
    I never cared, not once
    Gotta get away!

    Tearing me / Inside

    I wasn’t promised a thing
    You keep mocking me
    But you will never again
    Before you know – after you’re gone


    Somos feos apestamos y pero reinamos joto muthafucka


    I don’t like a fuckin’ thing! Music sucks dick
    Suck the snot end of the tip of my prick
    You fucking cunts, get off of my back
    I don’t wanna do a show with your shitty
    fuckin’ band – You suck, they suck, guess what, get fucked
    I can’t think of any other words to say but fuck
    Don’t drag our opinions, our opinions are great
    It’s new school face muthafuckers I hate

    SO: Local bands (suck these nuts)
    U.S. bands (suck these nuts)
    Worldwide bands (suck these nuts)
    All you bands can suck these fuckin’ nuts!

    Don’t berate me – Cuz you can’t stop me
    From breakin’ your face – It’s you I’ll erase
    It’s Hate – Muthafucker – Hate – Muthafucker – Hate

    SO: Local bands (suck these nuts)
    U.S. bands (suck these nuts)
    Worldwide bands (suck these nuts)
    All you bands can suck these fuckin’ nuts!

    Life’s so shitty, but ain’t it fuckin’ great?

    Get this or die!

    SO: Local bands (suck these nuts)
    U.S. bands (suck these nuts)
    Worldwide bands (suck these nuts)
    All you bands can suck these fuckin’ nuts!


    Many have come and gone,
    Still left out of the guttural swansong
    Takin’ nothin’ but the best in the area,
    Givin’ me grief, but fucker I’ll stare you –
    down, 2-3 you’re out of there,
    Maybe it’s me but I’m frantic, in a panic
    Ain’t never had a problem since you stopped comin’ here
    Big man walkin’ but bitch, I’m still talkin’

    Can’t you see it’s gotta be this way?

    Gimme any reason why I’d need you (boy) x 3
    Gimme any reason not to fuck you up

    Ain’t gonna leave and you know I’m never gone fade,
    Here it comes again, gotta burn again
    Time now, throw down, don’t dirty me,
    Right on your ugly-ass face cuz

    I aint the one who let you in,
    And I ain’t the one who set you off
    But I know damn well when someone’s pushing my buttons,
    Let tell you somethin’, I’LL PUSH YOU BACK!

    « Soon as that camera goes off, he’s gonna fuck that little dog. »

    Gimme any reason why I’d need you (boy) x 3
    Gimme any reason not to fuck you up

    Gimme any reason why I’d need you (bitch) x 3
    Gimme any reason not to fuck you up

    You’re made of flesh….
    (What I’m focused on)



    Maze…psychopathic daze…I create this waste
    Back away from tangents, on the verge of drastic
    ways…can’t escape this place…I deny your face
    Sweat gets in my eyes, lash out at all I despise


    Lost…ran at my own cost…hearing laughter, scoffed
    Learning from the rush, detached from such and such
    Bleak…standing on my feet…listening incomplete
    I am not a dog, but I’m the one you dog


    Never – ever – surrender – I WANT IT ALL!
    Never – ever – surrender – DESPISE
    My state of mind gets so one-sided

    Cut me – show me – enter – I am
    Willing and able and never any danger to myself
    Knowledge in my pain, knowledge in my pain
    Or was my tolerance a phase?
    Empathy, out of my way
    I can’t die

    Never – ever – surrender – I WANT IT ALL!
    Never – ever – surrender – DESPISE
    My state of mind gets so one-sided


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    Breaking the habit (Sonnerie MP3)
    Breaking the habit (Sonnerie MP3)

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    Sonneries Poly

    I am a little bit of loneliness a little bit of disregard
    Handful of complaints but I can’t help the fact that everyone can
    these scars
    I am what I want you to want what I want you to feel
    But it’s like no matter what I do, I can’t convince you, to just
    this is real
    So I let go, watching you, turn your back like you always do
    Face away and pretend that I’m not
    But I’ll be here ’cause you’re all that I got

    (I can’t feel the way I did before)
    (Don’t turn your back on me)
    (I won’t be ignored)
    (Time won’t heal this damage anymore)
    (Don’t turn your back on me)
    (I won’t be ignored)

    I am a little bit insecure a little unconfident
    Cause you don’t understand I do what I can but sometimes I don’t
    I am what you never wanna say but I’ve never had a doubt
    It’s like no matter what I do I can’t convince you for once just to
    me out
    So I let go watching you turn your back like you always do
    Face away and pretend that I’m not
    But I’ll be here ’cause you’re all that I’ve got

    (I can’t feel the way I did before)
    (Don’t turn your back on me)
    (I won’t be ignored)
    (Time won’t heal this damage anymore)
    (Don’t turn your back on me)
    (I won’t be ignored)

    (Hear me out now)
    (You’re gonna listen to me, like it or not)
    (Right now)
    (Hear me out now)
    (You’re gonna listen to me, like it or not)
    (Right now)

    (I can’t feel the way I did before)
    (Don’t turn your back on me)
    (I won’t be ignored)

    (I can’t feel the way I did before)
    (Don’t turn your back on me)
    (I won’t be ignored)
    (Time won’t heal this damage anymore)
    (Don’t turn your back on me)
    (I won’t be ignored)

    I can’t feel
    Don’t turn your back on me
    I won’t be ignored
    Time won’t heal
    Don’t turn your back on me
    I won’t be ignored

    Les sonneries de Linkin Park
    Voir les Sonneries MP3 – Voir les logos Couleurs
    Big Pimpin’/Papercut (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    Bleed It Out (Sonnerie MP3)
    Breaking the habit (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    Breaking the habit (Sonnerie MP3)
    Breaking the habit (Sonnerie MP3)
    Crawling (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    Crawling (Sonnerie MP3)
    Crawling (Sonnerie MP3)
    Dirt off your shoulder / Lying from you (Sonnerie
    Encore – Numb (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    Encore – Numb v1 (Sonnerie MP3)
    Enjoy the silence 2004 (Linkin Park remix) (Sonnerie
    Faint (Sonnerie MP3)
    Faint (Sonnerie MP3)
    Faint (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    Given Up (Sonnerie MP3)
    Given Up (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    High voltage (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    High voltage (Sonnerie MP3)
    In Between (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    In Pieces (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    In The End (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    In The End (Sonnerie MP3)
    Jigga What/Faint (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    One step closer (to my december) (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    Points of Authority/99 Problems/One step closer (Sonnerie
    Points of Authority/99 Problems/One step closer (Sonnerie MP3)
    Runaway (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    Runaway (Sonnerie MP3)
    Runaway (Sonnerie MP3)
    Somewhere I belong (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    Somewhere I belong (Sonnerie MP3)
    Somewhere I belong (Sonnerie MP3)
    Wake (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    What I’ve Done (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    What I’ve Done (Sonnerie MP3)
    What I’ve Done (Sonnerie MP3)
    one step closer (Sonnerie Polyphonique)
    one step closer (Sonnerie MP3)
    one step closer (Sonnerie MP3)

    D’autres sonneries polyphoniques de Linkin Park
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    musikmania.net > paroles > machine head > through the ashes (2003)

    acheter cet album 01. imperium
    02. bite the bullet
    03. left unfinished
    04. elegy
    05. in the presence of my enemies
    06. days turn blue to gray
    07. vim
    08. all fall down
    09. wipe the tears
    10. descend the shades of night

    Hear me now
    Bearing down upon a path we choose
    Chosen from the start living different rules
    Existence something to cherish true
    Will not succumb to doubts that I hold onto
    Release the fear of my pain
    In so much pain
    Give me the will to fight
    Every obstacle that I have inside
    Release the fear and
    Hear me now
    Words I vow
    No fucking regrets
    Fuck these chains
    No god damn slave
    I will be different
    I’ll stand here defiantly
    My middle finger raised
    Fuck your prejudice
    All my life
    Always I’ve felt alone
    Conditioned to believe that I’m always wrong
    Only truth will help to set me free
    My every weakness I must turn into strength
    Every rage, every tear
    Hate in so much hate
    Never that pain will bind me
    Ask of myself if I’ve the will to unwind
    Every rage and tear
    Hear me now
    Words I vow
    No fucking regrets
    Fuck these chains
    No god damn slave
    I will be different
    I’ll stand here defiantly
    My middle finger raised
    Fuck your prejudice
    Carved upon my stone
    I will go on
    Patience, belief
    Love will ascend
    Just listen to it
    Voice so true inside calling
    To pick you up and march you on
    Keep from falling
    Let go your sorrow
    Sun will shine, this I promise
    Rising tommorow
    Hear me now
    I’m taking back the control
    Of my
    Life from societies hold
    I vow
    No more will I be a slave
    Rise to
    Challenge the whole human race
    My spirit you cannot break
    I understand your every fear
    Your every pain your every tear
    With every struggle you conquer
    Turn heart to steel
    And will to iron
    You want more?
    You’ll get it
    Determined, ferocious
    Grit down and bite the bullet
    Dare to unbind
    Smash and redefine
    The hate you feel is nothing more
    Than love you feel to win this war
    The battle that rages inside you
    With bloodlust
    You must unchain your shackles
    You want more?
    You’ll get it
    Determined, ferocious
    Grit down and bite the bullet
    Dare to unbind
    Smash and redefine
    Lion heart
    Never give in
    Unsatisfy every weakness
    You want more?
    You’ll get it
    Determined, ferocious
    Grit down and bite the bullet
    Dare to unbind
    Smash and redefine
    Why was I born?
    Sometimes I wish I didn’t know
    Been times when
    I wish that I had just never been
    Why did you have me?
    Or better yet why’d you leave?
    So to the people that could fuck
    But then abandoned me
    I’ll give to this world what you couldn’t give
    Love the unwanted, every child born discarded
    Add to the flock
    The rejects you dumped on
    I’ll never forget
    Life you disdain
    So to the parents that bore me this pain
    With all those things you left unfinished
    You never could love me
    I’m glad that you never did
    My parents that raised me
    Had plenty of that to give
    And for that
    I’ll love them forever with all my heart
    But to you
    Don’t let there be no mistake about it
    Fuck you, you cocksucker
    Fuck you, you whore
    I’ll live my life the opposite of what you are
    Love will be my rock
    The rock that I stand on
    I’ll never forget
    Life you disdain
    So to the parents that bore me this pain
    With all those things you left unfinished
    Don’t try to reach out to me
    Don’t try to call
    The boy that you created
    Is dead for all you fucking know
    You just pretend you’ve never heard or seen
    The name Lawrence Mathew Cardine
    04 ELEGY
    Elegies are to be sung
    Winds of armageddon come
    Ignorance within your bliss
    Soon you will atone for this
    In your carcinogenic haze
    Baneful of a newer age
    Flower of a different scent
    Poisons of the earths lament
    A requiem
    Earth belong not to you
    Belong all we to her
    Take another deeper breath
    Inhale invisible death
    Pollution fills the land and sky
    Forever you justify
    Take a deeper look and see
    Nothing’s left to future seeds
    Icicles melt into blood
    Ashes where there once was wood
    A requiem
    Earth belong not to you
    Belong all we to her
    Pain of life has pulled you under
    Left you there to bleed and wonder
    Open heart left torn asunder
    Wrong the wrongs that you’ve been suffered
    Kill we scream in roaring thunder
    Destroy all, leave all things plundered
    Acid rain cries her pain
    Full bloom, a world gone insane
    Her anger the flower
    Plays God with all of our lives
    A requiem
    Earth belong not to you
    Belong all we to her
    I never ask myself why injustice befell me
    Accepted of the fact, try and live a life of peace
    I’m not a violent man, but to those who’d threaten me
    My enemy, for my family I’ll show thee
    Death I will fight you to
    Wrath provoked you cannot bear
    Our lives are not your toys
    Mercy, not a drop to spare
    You of destruction
    Of hope’s deconstruction
    Innocence is lost when
    The blood of innocence
    I’m not a violent man, again I wish to repeat
    But for every human that takes away a child’s innocence
    Whether it by molest, or by all wars pointlessness
    Killer of life
    Corruptor of all that is pure
    I want your nose to break
    Shattered under clenched fist
    Smash face to concrete
    Taste the asphalt’s gentle kiss
    You of destruction
    Of hope’s deconstruction
    Innocence is lost when
    The blood of innocence
    To those that are to blame
    Destroyers of every dream
    Breaking of hatred’s wings
    Mars’ phoenix begins fading
    To those that monger war
    Claiming that this is to even scores
    This mantra I invoke
    No longer this fear will
    I choke
    There’s no peace for the one who can’t know peace
    Your every breath it only lives to take
    Someday the earth you will descend
    Not a regret I’ll harbor in
    Tearless my eyes
    Flowerless my hands
    And that day when your moment is fleeting
    That thought keeps my heart beating
    When they lower your casket down
    Bitter the sweet within my mouth
    Ender of life
    Corruptor of all that’s pure
    On Your Grave
    I Will Stand
    Thou have fathered
    Son and daughter
    Doth begat, yet raised not bother
    Paralyzed your children’s lives
    Wither vines of family ties
    Make him function
    Crayons and clay
    Days turn blue to gray
    Days turn blue to gray
    Seventeen when
    Family begin
    Drinking, fighting, heroin
    Unquenchable addictions call
    Responsible to none above all
    Make him function
    Crayons and clay
    Days turn blue to gray
    Days turn blue to gray
    Lest I taste
    Its sweet grapes
    Glass to tongue
    Across it tips
    Cross my lips
    Swallow it down
    Won’t you love me?
    Please help me see
    What did I do?
    Did I hurt you?
    And now that you’re gone
    Emptiness lives on
    The guilt is all I feel
    No closure
    No closure
    The strings of my heart
    You pulled on endlessly
    This twine is severed
    In tragedy
    Mother Destroyer
    Destroy her
    Your self-destruction
    What made you feel alive
    Your self-destruction
    Of your children’s
    Words of the righteous
    We will not bend
    The odds keep stacking up against
    Strengthen our self endurance
    Break down the cycle
    Of errors past
    We have to face up to the truth
    Relinquish every grudge or bruise
    Every ounce of strength grasps
    One solid dream
    Violent soul
    Will be whole
    We have to face up to it
    For every second we’re alive
    Let our light shine
    To our grave, we must pave
    A path for us to rise from
    Power surge, kills the urge
    Life and death collide
    Smash all the boundaries
    That hold us down
    Hold on to everything that loves
    Let go of anything that starves
    People with envy will hold us down
    Freedom is just a cut away
    Nothing can pass our life away
    Every ounce of strength grasps
    One solid dream
    Violent soul
    Will be whole
    We have to face up to it
    For every second we’re alive
    Let our light shine bright
    To our grave, we must pave
    A path for us to rise from
    Power surge, kills the urge
    Life and death collide
    We take life’s ebb and flow
    Testament to the things we know
    With the fight, we must roll
    Strength will follow
    Tooth and nail for the ground that we hold
    Failures from the start but we still grow
    Heads held high, rally for throne
    Holding our own
    Not just words we’ll show you so
    I can’t remember
    These doubts I must dismember
    And trust in whole
    Follow your own lightness
    Follow your sound
    Believe in me
    ‘Cause I believe in you
    Anticipating, salivating, intoxicating
    How I’ve been waiting
    To gently soak in
    Your dream that’s broken
    Caress my hands
    Around your throat
    When I choke the last gasp of air out of you
    I’ll mesmerize you, hypnotize you
    Paralyze you, my snake eyes blind you
    My tenderest tickle, my gentlest prickle
    The back of your neck
    I stab icicles
    My sweetest grin will pull you in
    Behind that grin a razor teeth smile
    Under your bed
    Inside your head
    I am the monster in wait
    Walk, run
    I’m the fear you’ve become
    Pray, hope
    Before it’s your
    Downfall, and all falls down
    I patronize you, victimize you
    My false pretenses endear me to you
    I’m psychopathic, psychosomatic
    Believe everything you’ve heard about me
    Ate you alive since you were a child
    That’s when the monster first appeared to you
    So know my name
    What is my name?
    My name is fear and I’m you
    Walk, run
    I’m the fear you’ve become
    Pray, hope
    Before it’s your
    Downfall, and all falls down
    With faith I crawl
    In sadness, I fear what I’ve become
    ‘Cause after all
    I’m acting, pretend my smile on
    Before the fall
    The pain washes over
    Hold on, hold on
    Walk, run
    Free the fear you’ve become
    Fight back
    Before it’s your
    Downfall, and all falls down
    Ask me how it feels
    To feel like you’re a failure
    When everything that’s real
    Burns the flame in anger
    I’ve heard it all before
    I’ve felt some pain and more
    More than you could ever dream
    More than it probably seems
    I’ve sat with head in hand
    Stressed by my demands
    Stomach tied in knots
    Alone I’ve sat and rot
    ‘Cause the pain from all these fears
    Has built up all these years
    I’ll wipe away the tears
    Wipe away the tears
    Don’t give in
    Don’t give up
    Walk the streets dejected
    Alone and left rejected
    Time does not care
    And sometimes life ain’t fair
    Smashing bottles on the ground
    My head begins to pound
    I have lived amongst the garbage
    With those who rape and carnage
    Had many a promise broken
    And broken some myself
    The promise I have kept alive
    Is keep my inner wealth
    With my heart aimed at the world
    Destiny I watch unfurl
    I’ll wipe away the tears
    Wipe away the tears
    Don’t give in
    Don’t give up
    Wasting life away
    Choked upon its dust
    Puked out in disgust
    Let me tell you how it feels
    To feel like you’re a failure
    Been climbing out this gutter
    For what seems like it’s forever
    But one thing I must make clear
    The struggle of these years
    Has made every scar the stronger
    My lust for life the longer
    I will fight for what I love
    And I will fight for those I care
    I will fight at anytime
    And I will fight anywhere
    With my heart aimed at this world
    Destiny I watch unfurl
    I’ll wipe away the tears
    Wipe away the tears
    Don’t give in
    Don’t give up
    Sitting in the empty black
    The last slivers of dusk have passed
    Accept the d

  2. Vilain Poulet
    12 mai 2011 @ 1 h 26 min

    terrible !! j’adore !!!

  3. tom_06_05
    12 mai 2011 @ 1 h 48 min

    ah! ah! ah!
    j’ai pas compris où c’est drôle, t’en as des mieux j’espère parce que là t’es au niveau carambar!

  4. Gilbert V
    12 mai 2011 @ 1 h 59 min

    Et moi qui demande une recette de cuisine pour des jeunes handicapes, je vois que la pizza est très compliquer a commandée!!! hihihihi bravo mon ami très bonne (la pizza) hihihihi

  5. Nordine ALG
    12 mai 2011 @ 2 h 58 min

    vendeur de pizza ou FBI

  6. Belagir
    12 mai 2011 @ 3 h 54 min

    Ca sera afffffreux…

  7. thug_love06
    12 mai 2011 @ 4 h 00 min

    lol…mais elle est longue.

  8. Seve b
    12 mai 2011 @ 4 h 31 min


  9. bbal
    12 mai 2011 @ 5 h 05 min

    un peu longue ,et ca m ‘ a fait un petit creux . je vais m ‘ en mettre une au four , mais certainement pas au yaourt de soja !

  10. ptit.chou
    12 mai 2011 @ 5 h 29 min

    Hi hi hi.

  11. jackpot
    12 mai 2011 @ 5 h 37 min

    Excellentissime, mais j’ai bien peur ta blague, ne soi que le pale reflet de ces prochaines années

    Quelle est la différence entre une femme et une pizza?

    – Quand une pizza met plus de 30 minutes pour venir, on te rend ton argent
    – Une pizza, il faut la faire venir pour la manger, tandis qu’une femme, il faut la manger pour la faire venir.

  12. maurice l
    12 mai 2011 @ 6 h 16 min

    il y a de quoi se mettre au régime
    maintenant, à cause de toi, je ne commanderais plus mes pizzas par téléphone, j’irais les chercher moi même


  13. Gwendy
    12 mai 2011 @ 6 h 43 min

    si elle était si maline que sa elle aurait du prendre sont NIDN et lui dire directement :
    – aurevoir Monsieur vous n’avez pas assez d’argent sur votre compte !


    Surment une apprenti standardiste !

  14. Guy
    12 mai 2011 @ 7 h 39 min

    Très bonne !
    Une jeune femme qui cherche à se marier vient s’inscrire dans une agence matrimonial. Elle précise à l’employée :
    -je suis bien ennuyée …Comme vous le voyez, je suis borgne. Ca sera sans doute difficile de trouver un parti…
    – Mais non,ne vous inquiétez pas !
    L’employée tape la fiche descriptive : « Jeune femme ,deux merveilleux yeux bleus ,dont un en moins.

    Bonne journée !

  15. snoopy
    12 mai 2011 @ 8 h 37 min

    bien mais très longue
    Toto pose une devinette à son copain :
    – Quelle est la moitié d’un tout ?
    – J’sais pas !
    – Ben c’est trois mètres.
    – Pourquoi ?
    – Parce que le tout est de s’y mettre.

    bonne journée!!!

  16. ninie B
    12 mai 2011 @ 9 h 30 min

    Bravo. Rien à rajouter t’es le meilleur.
    Je ne vois même pas le temps passer avec tes blagues.
    Super (*)

  17. Dr. H
    12 mai 2011 @ 9 h 55 min

    non, mais elle sera chiante , la vie du futur

  18. lila
    12 mai 2011 @ 9 h 58 min

    tu connais j’espere ma reponse et sans hlif cette fois!!!!

  19. samer n
    12 mai 2011 @ 10 h 41 min

    Ca c’est chien!!

  20. aller_zizou
    12 mai 2011 @ 11 h 13 min


  21. sarouri
    12 mai 2011 @ 11 h 39 min

    je préfère rester en 2007
    super smail