Islam : « Jihad contre nos libertés » les musulmans veulent la destruction de l’occident
Les Nations-Unies se font complices naïves de l’islamisation. Faut-il leur décerner un croissant d’or pour leur imbécilité ? La Charia pour l’Occident entier, façon Arabie Saoudite. Tarik Ramadan vs caroline fourest Beau programme en vérité ! L’islamophobie a bon dos. Les musulmans prétendues victimes de discrimination.
27 octobre 2010 @ 7 h 47 min
thank you, you show your real face, if a woman want to wear a headscarf you consider that she have a mental problem! great a joke! 🙂 and i can understand you when you insult the prophet, you ignore what your historians whrote about him!keep insulting
27 octobre 2010 @ 8 h 29 min
Dear enlightened. Free speech is never negociable, no matter what.
The neurotic women who wear headscarf have a mental problem, and so do you, it seems. You’re biased beyond repair. Your prophet can never be insulted enough for he is a thug and a shameless criminal. Respecting him is an insult to human intelligence.
27 octobre 2010 @ 9 h 03 min
free speech is not negociable for you when you insult a prophet but it’s negociable for you when a historians like roger garody say that we must review the number of jews killed by hitler according to noremberg court! free speech is not negociable but individual freedom is not! when european countrie make law against the muslim woman who want to wear headscarf! and religious right are nogociable when european countries like Switzerland make laws against it!